108 Dhivya Desam - Vaikuntham

Location :  Vaikuntham (Celestial Abode)
Perumaal :  Paramapadha Naathan
Thaayaar :  Periya Piraattiyaar
Theertham : Viraja Nadi
Paasuram :  PeriAzhwar, Aandal, ThirumazhisaiAzhwar, ThiruppanAzhwar, ThirumangaiAzhwar, NammAzhwar, PoikaiAzhwar, PeyAzhwar
Vimaanam : Annataanga Vimanam

Description: Eight of the Azhwars have glorified Vaikuntham or Paramapadam, the celestial abode of Perumaal in a total of 36 verses. Vaikuntham represents the ultimate goal of the Sri Vaishnava religious tradition. It is  believed that this Dhivya Desam becomes the eternal abode of those that have visited all of the 106 shrines on earth.