Deities: There are shrines here to all three of the trinity of deities revered in the Hindu system of beliefs, namely Shiva and his consort, Bhrama and his consort, Vishnu and his consort (Purushottaman and Poornavalli).
Legend: The fifth head of Bhrama, which was pulled out by Shiva, stuck to his palms; and it was only after his receiving alms from Mahalakshmi, that it came unstuck. The same legend is held at the Thirukkandiyur Divyadesam (where the presiding deity is known by the name Hara Saapa Vimochana Perumaal), adjacent to the Thirukkandiyur Veerattastalam of Shiva and at Thirukkurunkudi near Nanguneri - Thirunelveli.
The Temple: Shiva's shrine is situated south of Vishnu's shrine, facing west. There is also a shrine to Dasaratha Lingam and Soundara Parvati. There are also shrines to , Andal, Varadarajaperumaal, Venugopalan, Rama, Vinayakar, Natarajar, Subramaniyar, Saneeswaran and Anjaneyar. The Bhikshatanar form of Shiva here is considered to be of great significance. Sanakar, Sanandanar and Sanatkumarar, as well as Kadamba Muni are believed to have worshipped the Trinity Bhrama, Vishnu and Shiva here here. Inscriptions from the period of the Chozhas and Pandyas are seen here.
Festivals: The annual Bhramotsavam of Perumaal is conducted in the month of Chittirai, while that for Shiva is conducted in the month of Vaikasi.